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Pepperl+Fuchs RVI58N-044ABR66N-01024 incremental rotary encoder with 12pin male M23 connector

Encoders in general provide rotational speed, direction and position information from your contrapti..

Price: 376,50€ 300€

Availability: 2

Pepperl+Fuchs RVI58N-044ABR66N-01024 incremental rotary encoder with 12pin male M23 connector *new*

Encoders in general provide rotational speed, direction and position information from your contrapti..

Price: 564,75€ 450€

Availability: 1

Pepperl+Fuchs 10-116MX_R-2500 incremental rotary encoder with 12pin male M23 connector *new*

Encoders in general provide rotational speed, direction and position information from your contrapti..

Price: 690,25€ 550€

Availability: 1
